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Nino Ferrer
sa vie, son oeuvre

Une chanson au hasard


Between the big trees
The flowers and the green grass
The house is there
It's white and brown
And covered
With green vine
Which looks like hair.

We call it the south
Cause time is so long there
That life sure will take us
More than a million years.

And we like to stay there.

So many children are playing in the garden
So many dogs
There is a cat and a turtle and an old well
But not a frog.

We call it the south
Cause time is so long there
That life sure will take us
More than a million years.

And we like to stay there.

I know one day I'll have to leave the sweet life
Back to the dark
Don't really care but they won't ask my opinion
As a matter of fact.

I hope it's the south
Cause time is so long there
That life sure will take us
More than a million years.

And we like to stay there.

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